Program Activities and Status

  • The Working Group met during Spring 2024 and developed the strategies.
  • Eight members of the working group attended the Gardner Institute Symposium on Graduate Student Experience to gather insight on the national landscape of graduate education.
  • The working group is organizing a Georgia Tech Graduate Student Experience Fall Symposium on November 14, 2024 in order to share innovations, research, challenges, and best practices in graduate education among Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students.
  • PEGS funding will be prioritized for TTL projects.


StrategyStatus (Summer 2024)
1. Create an ecosystem for providing high-touch, comprehensive academic advising to improve student success and foster life-time learning.
  • An advising inventory was collected of all of the advising practices and needs from each program.
  • An advising platform will be developed for graduate programs that uses the feedback from the inventory. A project team will be formed in August 2023.
  • An MS Analytics capstone team in Fall 2024 will examine the inventory of advising and academic support along with graduate student experience data, graduate exit data, and program statistics to correlate the advising practices that correlate with high student success.
2. Develop a framework for building skills for mentoring students in research to improve student success and productivity.
  • A website on Mentoring has been established for faculty to give them resources
  • Training for students is being developed that discusses the hardlines of what faculty can and cannot do, and ways they can manage those situations
3. Enhance graduate student success by providing academic support programs
  • Georgia Tech has contracted with Knack to provide tutoring services for a select number of graduate courses
  • An inventory was collected of academic support programs offered by the units
4. Enhance professional skill development of graduate students by promoting participation in internships and co-curricular skill-building activities
  • An inventory was made of all graduate- level degrees that contain components of internships or professional development in their requirements
  • A study was made on the impact of internships for graduate student time-to-degree (findings indicate that the number of enrolled semesters actually decreases with participation in internships)
5. Create innovative curricular and co-curricular models that support a holistic student experience
  • A new type of credential, the Graduate Minor, was added to the Catalog and provides a credential that can be used to expand the scope of the academic experience beyond the major topic