
Develop a framework for building skills for mentoring students in research to improve student success and productivity.


Sample Projects

  • Promote Effective Mentoring Practices
    • Create a mentoring center that includes coherent and curated resources and trainings for improving mentoring skills among faculty research advisors
    • Promote effective, evidence-based mentoring practices
    • Encourage faculty to let mentees know that they care about them as a person
    • Promote agency for students to participate in creating the mentoring relationship or to develop their own academic path (such as IDP)
    • Provide information on career outcomes of their students to schools and faculty
    • Communicate requirement for mentoring to be evaluated during RPT (reappointment, promotion, and tenure)
  • Create community between graduate and undergraduate students through the lenses of mentoring
    • Promote opportunities for graduate students to mentor undergraduates
    • Provide mentor training for graduate students and postdocs
  • Ensure that pathways for resolving conflicts are easy to find and navigate
    • Communicate pathways for support and resolution for students who experience challenges with advisor and/or collaborators;
    • Develop training on inappropriate workplace requests 
    • Develop bystander training/information if someone notices a concerning situation in a research context (could be between students, researchers, and/or faculty)
    • Communicate statistics on outcomes of when cases are formally reported
  • Expand and promote opportunities for mentoring from peers, alumni, and faculty beyond the thesis advisor
    • Promote alumni networking programs for both MS and PhD students
    • Expand upon peer mentoring programs like CEED’s grad peer mentors
    • Broaden the common role of thesis committee members to be mentors throughout the student’s graduate experience 
    • Leverage the benefits of creating a cohort identity from Year 1 for graduate students (e.g. Knight-Hennessy Scholars program)
    • How do we provide mentoring for students from historically marginalized backgrounds with mentors from that similar background without over burdening those faculty?
    • Explore strategies to crowdsource advice and answers for students from other students at scale


Resources Needed

  • Easy to navigate resource on conflict resolution steps; site showing statistics on outcomes of cases