Enhance professional skill development of graduate students by promoting participation in internships and co-curricular skill-building activities
Sample Projects
- Promote Internship Participation by MS and PhD students
- Inventory and expand internship participation
- Conduct a comprehensive inventory of existing internship and practicum courses and corporate/internship partnership programs offered by graduate programs and other units
- Increase internship participation by PhD students, making it a part of their typical PhD experience
- Explore options for internships counting towards degree, such as expanding practicum programs
- Promote enrollment in the graduate internship program so that interns receive credit and have access to GT resources
- Develop corporate partnerships and on-campus opportunities
- Formalize models for corporate partnerships that enable students to both conduct research and develop skills in an internship-like environment
- Develop means to provide fellowships to help offset unpaid internships with non-profits, start-ups, and other organizations
- Build on-campus internship opportunities and work-study programs, especially for MS students
- Provide support and safety for internship participants
- Ensure that graduate internship program participants are aware of available assistance for any concerns with their internship employment
- Enact recommendations of working group on preventing sexual harassment during experiential learning activities
- Educate employers on best practices for internships and hiring international students
- Provide data on impact of internships, including time-to-degree and student experience and post-degree, to students and faculty
- Inventory and expand internship participation
- Enhance professional skill development opportunities
- Inventory and communicate professional development opportunities
- Conduct an inventory of professional development programs both inside and outside the curriculum
- Communicate existing professional development opportunities and resources to ensure awareness among students, graduate programs, and faculty
- Inventory and communicate which offerings are available to OMS students
- Integrate professional skill development into graduate programs
- Determine how to best integrate professional skill development into graduate program timeline considering that student time is limited given coursework and research requirements
- Develop a 1-credit optional seminar focusing on building career and professional development skills for PhD students, especially, targeting those who complete their comprehensive exam.
- Explore if integrating career competencies into undergraduate general education courses should be adopted at the graduate level
- Offer micro credentials and/or non-credit certificates for professional skill development
- Make offerings available especially for students who cannot take courses as a part of their degree program, including OMS students
- Promote and/or develop offerings in areas such as leadership, data science, collaboration, conflict resolution, teamwork, global learning and mentoring-in-research
- Facilitate opportunities for student-led teach and learn sessions that are tool- or skill-specific and not taught in classes – e.g., Miro, Figma, etc.
- Expand courses/programs for MS and PhD students interested in academic careers
- Formalize teaching practicums for PhD students who plan to go into academia
- Provide access to research experiences for OMS students interested in PhD programs and academic careers
- Formalize teaching practicums in majors for PhD students who plan to go into academia—workshops/courses/mentoring by successful instructors. need to broaden skills such as developing syllabi, planning lectures---more specific assistance. CTL is already supporting multiple units in the area.
- Inventory and communicate professional development opportunities